So what exactly is a Re-Gen?
Re-Gen recharges the resin back to how it was when it was new
Let’s explain how it works and why you need to do it. Re-Gen means it recharges the resin
First the science bit: Re-Gen means it recharges the resin back to how it was when it was new. The actual process is called ion exchange. The sand like product inside a water softener is thousands of small beads which are chemically charged to attract dissolved calcium and magnesium which are responsible for the hardness in your water.
- Dissolved calcium and magnesium precipitate out of hard water as scale, which builds up on the insides of pipes, water heaters, tea kettles, coffee makers and industrial machinery. Scale reduces flow through pipes and is a poor conductor of heat. Eventually, pipes can become completely clogged.
- Hard water reduces soap’s ability to lather, whether in the shower, sink, dishwasher or washing machine, and reacts with soap to form a sticky scum.
So as the incoming hard water (dissolved calcium and magnesium) enters the resin tank, it is attracted like a magnet to the resin. The resin holds onto the calcium and magnesium and what’s left is soft water.
But like a sponge, the resin can only hold so much calcium and magnesium before it’s saturated, so this is where we need to flush out the dissolved calcium and magnesium so that our resin (sponge) is ready to start the whole process over again.
So what happens during a Re-Gen?

By flushing a solution of very salty water through the resin, the dissolved calcium and magnesium are actually more attracted to the sodium in the salt and leave the resin to cling onto the brine. So basically when the brine solution passes through the resin the resin is cleaned, recharged and ready for re-use.

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