Electric RV Antenna Lift

We have been searching high and low to find a supplier of an Electric RV Antenna Lift. We did manage to find a company that made such a product, but the problem has been that they take 10 weeks to produce one single product.
This is so frustrating and nine times out of ten people were fed up with waiting and cancelled their order.
New Stainless Steel Antenna Lift
We needed to find a different supplier and are now pleased to be able to announce that we have found a product that surpasses any product we have found previously. This new product is made is made from marine grade stainless steel plus has been specially adapted now exclusively for us with a larger base plate for easy and sturdy fixing to your RV roof.
Simply attach your Wifi Ranger (or similar antenna) to the Electric RV Antenna Lift, and wire the switch in a convenient place inside your RV. Simply push the supplied toggle switch and the antenna rises to an upright position within 5 seconds. To stow the Electric RV Antenna Lift simply reverse the operation. If you install the optional auto stow switch your antenna will automatically lower when the ignition is activated.

Our Experience
Without exception we have to say that combined with the WifiRanger the difference to our wifi reception has been incredible. Wherever we go we now wouldn’t be without it. Installation is easy the the plug and play wiring system.
The Electric RV Antenna Lift is supplied with all the cables and switches required. There is also available an optional auto stow relay, which will lower your antenna as soon as the ignition is turned on. You will also need is some self tapping bolts or screws and some Dicor lap sealant.
To Install
Feed the switch cable from the electric antenna lift through the roof of your RV via an existing cable duct or if you decide to drill a new hole for the cable be sure to make sure that any holes drilled through the roof are sealed correctly to prevent any water leaks. most people bring these cables into a cupboard inside of your RV interior.
You will need a 12 volt DC supply to operate the antenna lift. In some cases you may have to purchase a 110vac to 12vdc small transformer. Connect the positive and negative cables to your 12v supply and you are good to go.
Please see our Youtube video below for more details. Ask a pre-sales question